Age: 7 years
Grade: 2nd grade
Socio-Economic background: Nandini resides in Begumpur which is a slum area close to the school. Her father is a sweeper in Rockland Hospital and mother home maker. They stay in rented house. Major portion of the income is spent on paying rent. Her mother has been medically unfit. Father being the only earning member of the family finds it difficult to support the education of the child.
About Nandini: Nandini is very bright academically as well as in co-curricular activities. She is active, energetic and confident child. Has achieved grade level skills. She has been punctual to school. Very helpful and kind natured girl.
Teacher's recommendation: Father being the only earning member, finds it difficult to fulfill even the basic needs of the family members. Nandini is a vivid child and deserves good education, therefore sponsorship is recommended.
Our work with Nandini
Selected Nandini as Empower Future ScholarQ2 2018
Empower Future Foundation funded education for Nandini.
Provided education scholarship to Nandini.Q3 2018
Funded education for Nandini for the school year 2018.